How To Play Golden Cows Game to Earning

How To Play Golden Cows

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How To Play Golden Cows  

For Players who recommended daily free Click Menu "Daily Bonus"
The bonus 10-100 Gold
when it reaches 100 Gold you can swap with 1 color Green Cow Milk Bottle Production 7
Rate of 100 bottles of milk = 1 gold

How To Play Golden Cows


SHOP> buy cattle (prices range from 100 to 100,000 gold)
WAREHOUSE> place to store milk
Sale> For selling milk that is produced with gold
(Type of Milk Bottle and depending berberda rate is 100 bottles of milk = 1 GOLD)

How To Play Golden Cows

GOLD is convertible into 2 types:
1 GOLD For Invest (70%)
For Withdraw 2 GOLD (30%) in the form of dollars (money that can be disbursed to the wallet BTC)
Autions> game a Jackpoint
R / P / C> Scissors game - Rock - Paper
Lottery> lottery games (1 ticket = 100 gold)

How To Play Golden Cows